
AI is typically presented in Hollywood movies as a human-hating robot in a doomsday scenario. However, in the current COVID-19 pandemic, AI has emerged as a superhero that can save humanity from viruses and greatly reduce the number of deaths globally. AI researchers around the world have, over the past few years, engineered drastically new capabilities in health care, just in time to combat the novel coronavirus.

AI has been used to fight the virus in different stages, from screening and diagnosis to vaccine development. With its ability to learn quickly from data related to COVID-19, AI has saved human beings. Physical robots also come in handy. For instance, self-navigating robots have worked to disinfect hospitals, deliver food and medication, and check body temperatures. At airports and train stations, temperature sensors are used to scan crowds for high temperatures. They are also used with a face recognition system, which can pinpoint individuals with a high temperature and whether they are wearing a surgical mask or not. This system is also being used to ensure that citizens are obeying self-quarantine regulations. Particularly, those who broke the laws and left home would get a call from the authorities, presumably after being tracked by the facial recognition system.

Therefore, since severe crises are unlikely to disappear, it is important to prepare the young generation for the next pandemic especially in the era of AI. This could be ensured by preparing courses that could familiarize the young generation with AI background as well as its possible tasks and functionalities. In line with this, this reading book presented the basics solutions of AI in a fun and easy way, as well as vivid stories about how AI is used worldwide to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Finally, this reading book presented the AI challenges that should be considered in the future.

© Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (SLIBNU), 2020 all right reserved,powered by GitbookRelease Date: 2022-07-06

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