表情识别规格:10位日本女性表达者7 种面部表情(6 种基本面部表情 + 1 中性)每个表达者的每个表达的几个图像 共 213 张图片每张图片都有 60 位日本观众对 6 个面部表情的平均语义评分分辨率 256x256 像素8位灰度Tiff 格式,无压缩文档:README_FIRST.txt 和下面...
Papers With Code highlights trending ML research and the code to implement it.1452 leaderboards • 1323 tasks • 1318 datasets • 16864 papers with code....
Caffe2 is a lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework.
Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go,...
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration.
A probabilistic programming language in TensorFlow. Deep generative models, variational inference.
Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the frontier of machine learning with techniques such as online, hashing, allreduce, reduction...
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning.(『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go,...
A WebGL accelerated, browser based JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models.